Pubic lice (Phthirus pubis) are small insects which mainly infest the pubic hair and reproduce there. They cause an uncomfortable itch.

Who do crabs affect?

Pubic lice are one of three types of louse that infest humans, along with head lice and body lice.

How are crabs transmitted?

Pubic lice are mostly transmitted through sexual and close bodily contact, and less commonly via beds or bed linen.

How can I protect myself?

An infection is nearly impossible to avoid, but not the end of the world. 

Contact with infected persons should be avoided in particular.

Shaving the genital region can make it harder for the parasites to settle, but does not offer reliable protection.

What symptoms can appear?

Pubic lice cause severe itching, redness and inflammation of the skin.

The lice’s excretions can also leave brownish spots on the underwear of the person affected.

How do they test for crabs?

Pubic lice are diagnosed visually by a medical specialist (dermatologist).

How are crabs treated?

They are treated with a solution which is applied to all body hair below the neck.

Clothing and bed linen should be washed at least 60 °C.